When a person thinks, it doesn’t mean that he’s already doing critical thinking. This has been a topic of people who do not know the difference between usual thinking to critical thinking. What is critical thinking exactly? The definition would depend on whoever is being asked. For a philosopher, critical thinking might be described as an aspect of situational thinking wherein thinking would go deeper beyond the usual things that people think about. If you would ask a scientist what is critical thinking, he would probably say that it’s making the right decision whether or not to try putting a certain formula to be part of the solution or not.
Critical thinking has been done by so many people already although they do not know it. When we think about something and we are not sure if that thing is real or not, we sometimes make assumptions based from what we think are facts. When we think about the possibilities why something may seem real though it is not, we are doing critical thinking. When we decide whether someone is saying the truth or not, we are critically thinking.
The definition of critical thinking by itself is already complicated. In fact a lot of people still ask to this day what is critical thinking and even if they are answered, they would usually just look lost because the definition did not make sense to them. They say that in order to know that critical thinking is, a person should have experienced it already.
By the time that a person reaches his teen years, that person is already expected to have had critical thoughts although the person probably didn’t realize it immediately. What is critical thinking? This question is still an ongoing debate wherein diplomats and professors all have different opinions on what it really is.
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